
Portfolio / Réalisation

ShonenDB - A Database where people share thier best shonens (2021)

Alassane Y.
Casablanca, Maroc
Voir Profil
Statut: Publiée
Publiée le: 13-01-2022
  • Cloud Computing
  • Amazon AWS
  • Création de site internet
  • Gestion de projet
  • HTML & CSS
  • Python
  • VueJS
  • Développement specifique

ShonenDB is an application, open source and community for the management of the best shonens. The goal is to network with thousands of shonen fans, who can post, suggest their preferences and also the best few who make you scream.
Main stack used: Python, Django, DRF, Typescript and Vuejs
Status: In progress

Vues: 313